Greetings all, this latest tirade is against a new publisher in the marker, Divertir Publishing. And yes, I was unfortunate enough to have dealt with them. To make a long story short, I want to rant against their lack of professionalism.
Before I get started, here's a little background information. I submitted my manuscript to Divertir about six weeks ago, and they rejected it with a simple form letter about two weeks later. That didn't really bother me too much, although I was somewhat irked that they chose a form letter after boasting how they wanted to be different than other more mainstream presses. What really bothered me was that they sent me the same rejection once again a month later. I guess they really wanted to make sure I got it. Uh yeah, I sure did.
So here is what I would like to say to the staff of Divertir Publishing (if they ever stumble on this blog). "I'm sorry that you and your sad staff didn't like my query. If it was only worth a form letter then so be it. However, you pea-brained ass holes only needed to send it once. Yeah, I got the message. There was no need for you to rub it in, and I don't care if it was a 'mistake.' Honestly, have some respect for the people who send you their work and keep track of what you do and don't want."
Thanks for reading