Yes, I'm back with another diatribe against Writers' Digest, that servile corporation that preys on authors like a shark does on mackarel. For some crazy reason, I've decided to remain on their e-mail list and am constantly receiving "offers" for their services and crappy vanity press. What gets me the most is the price tag for their damned webinars. Seriously, what poor sap will pay $90 to learn how to "hook an agent." Besides, I've seen their advice, and I've even followed their advice. Am I on the NY Times Bestseller List? Nope, and I certainly haven't hooked an agent either despite following their bullshit formulas for writing the "perfect query letter." I should add that I have published the traditional way in the past. I just can't find someone to take on my novel.
What concerns me the most about what WD does is that there are many unsuspecting writers out there that truly lack the talent to write a grocery list, far less a novel. And they're too naiive to realie that WD is only out to take their money. Do they ever offer any guarantees for refunds if after having bought all of their garbage manuals and paid for several useless webinars you're still not published? Of course not, they don't believe in their products and feel no guilt about taking your money.
Fight the power! Fight that scum Writers' Digest!
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